The more I am here, the more I fall in love with Spain and being abroad. It was difficult at first and it still can be from time to time, but it's the moments when I stop to look around for a second that make me so thankful to be here. Just yesterday I went on a run and the view alone was incredible. I probably looked like such a foreigner because I just started jumping up and down and yelling because I was just so happy to be here; I can't help but being like damn this is awesome. Most days I seriously can't believe this is my life.
On another note, while Granada is amazing most days, the food that I have been eating this week has been very questionable. I am all for fresh food but, in my opinion, there is also such a thing as “to fresh.” For instance a couple of days ago I was literally given a plate of raw meat for lunch. Now I am in love with sushi but when meat resembles hearts and other animal parts I do not want to eat, I am not a fan. I swear I could see the aortic valve on the lump of meat that I think was an animal heart, along with the pulmonary valve on the back of it (and yes I aced anatomy in high school.) The biology part of lunch I enjoyed actually, but the eating part was just downright disgusting. I did humor my Senora by eating a tiny bit but I got so sick later that I wish I hadn’t. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the same meat then proceeded to be in my soup for the next three days :(. It was extremely unfortunate to say the least. Then just as I was thinking the food situation couldn’t get any worse, it did. It all happened when I was at this bar enjoying a casual beer with some friends. I was mid conversation when I looked up and noticed something very appalling behind the bar. I immediately grabbed my camera and turned into tourist Barbie as I snapped away at an animal leg (hoof still attached) in a meat cutter. Needless to say I am on the fast track to becoming a vegetarian.
Aside from my regrettable experience with the food, the rest has been enjoyable. Two of my sorority sisters, Wendy and Stephanie, both visited Granada this week and it was so good seeing them. I had a blast catching up and taking disgusting shots at a chupiteria. We even took a shot called Chicago :).
I honestly love every minute here and this upcoming week I am finally going on my first vacation! Thursday we leave for Amsterdam, Prague, and then Dublin. To say I am excited would be an understatement, I seriously can’t wait! Time already feels like it is going by so fast, I wish it would slow down a little; so far though I couldn’t ask for a better time.
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